Increase in number of Houses is resulting in aggravation of the termite problem
Released on: November 6, 2007, 7:03 pm
Press Release Author: PestigeSolutions
Industry: Environment
Press Release Summary: Increasing metro dwelling and lack of cleanliness is increasing the problem of termite attacks in Australia, according to a building advisory service.
Press Release Body: Increasing metro dwelling and lack of cleanliness is increasing the problem of termite attacks in Australia, according to a building advisory service.
According to Justine Herbert, the Director of Pestige, a leading pest control firm in Australia, termite problem has got accentuated land being made free in urban areas for infrastructure projects such as freeways and toll bridges.
Termites have become a big deterrent for home buyers, once they become aware of the magnitude of the problem they have to contend with on proposed housing purchases
There are approximately 130,000 termite attacks every year with a repair bill of $910 million and costing an average of $7,000 each to rectify.
\"At Pestige, we are finding more and more people moving into new apartments, coming to us with requests"
Mr Herbert said increase in housing density results in disturbances of termite nests, causing termites to find out alternative food sources. This in turn propagates the problem.
\"In many instances, home owners find it so hard to cope with the problem that they decide to sell.
Mr Herbert emphasised that selling is not the needed and proactive steps can be taken to prevent the problem from becoming very serious.
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